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Showing posts from January, 2020


“Inspiration” and “motivation” are two words that are misinterpreted to hold the same meaning and are often used interchangeably. They may be similar conceptually but are completely different from each other in their true meaning. Inspiration is derived from “in spirit”, which essentially means from within. Whereas, motivation originates from “motive”, referring to an external force that compels us to take action. Motivation usually comes into play when we need to carry out a difficult task, push through a stressful situation or need to meet a deadline. We usually rely on motivation when it comes to accomplishing something we may not necessarily look forward to. It’s that voice in your head that tells you “You can do this”, “It will be worth it” just when you are about to roll back into bed, tempted to miss your morning work or gym alarm. Motivation comes from results and that is exactly why it’s so easy to get demotivated. It’s fleeting, something that comes and goes and is hard ...


At some point in our lives, we all struggle with sticking to our decisions and tend to predicting ourselves. No matter where you are in your entrepreneurial journey, it is hard to be sure if you have made the correct decision. But it is also important to stick to a decision once it’s made and to stand by it. Do you often find yourself stuck in a dilemma when it comes to decision making? These tips can help. 1.       Make a list:  Sometimes all the thoughts overlapping each other in our heads make the problem look bigger than it actually is. Writing down your thoughts and having a visual idea of your choices might make it easier for you to make a decision. You can further develop your list and make it easier to decide by listing down the pros and cons of all the choices and go with whichever is most suitable in the given situation. 2.       Practice making smaller decisions:  Predicting yourself on important and big d...